Anachronism 2022, brought to you by Moscow?

Originally i planned to just line up the astrological aspects that matter for 2022 in this post. But then came yet another unexpected incident that i can only call an anachronism.
So, i will instead start to analyze this situation first and then get back on track of what the real world, outside of Moscow, can expect for 2022, hopefully without further escalation of aggressive warfare.

Let me start with a more or less philosophical (astrological) look at Russian forces invading the Ukraine.

In fact, why don’t i start with the man that is (supposedly) behind this aggression and without knowing if he really is the sole decision maker at the Kremlin or in Moscow or in all of Russia, or if there are other, more discrete forces, behind him that make such decisions and he is only the “representative”?

At Google / Wikipedia this seemingly inhumane human was born Oct 07 1952, which makes him a Libra, certainly not the angry mass murderer type in general, in fact, one of his planets is on 14 degrees Libra, a very loving degree position (and i am not kidding here). Okay, he has a bundle of negative aspects into the 4 Libra based planets in his chart, but there are also positive aspects.
None of his planets degree positions are of any serious horrific nature!!
Is it the combination of Water- Dragon year and Libra that makes him such a inhumane character?
You can judge for yourself here:

  • Years of the Water – Dragon
    1. 1952 – 13. 2. 1953
    Tough and powerful like the other Dragons, but far more subtle. They know what they want and also where or when to push for it. All tough they can play the wait-and-see game well enough and do not like to burden themselves with too complicated things, their interests may be so diverse that most of their activities lack a real foundation, and therefore may just collapse someday. These Dragons, however, are capable to hold their ego back in the interest of a democratic type of environment.

Reading this makes you wonder, isn’t it?

So, lets look at the combination then:

  • Dragon / Libra
    The excitement of speed, success and glamour can really get to them and turn their usually good fortune into mishaps eventually. They may overlook others when on the move, but unlike most other Dragons they will stop and listen, if somebody should demand to be heard. Elegance and diplomacy seem to interest this combination more than power and dominance, that’s why they have far less problems to find a compromise than other Dragons. They can be very flattering and seductive, but if they are married they just go as far as a flirt, just far enough to feel the road would be open to go all the way. Than they go home to they’re partner.

Okay, what we derive from this information (copy and paste out of my own astrology book, available at does not depict a war mongerer, just a guy that is prone to miscalculations.

So, let’s take a wild guess here, there is something else at play. Mind you, i only have day, month and year of birth of V. P. no hour or minute, not even place of birth, so there could be something sinister in his charts tips of houses, especially when in Moscow.
Perhaps the trouble is indeed the impact the city of Moscow seems to have on certain characters, I’m thinking Stalin perhaps?

Anyway, let’s go back to anachronism and miscalculations and a bit of astrological philosophy.

If people, governments or dictatorships plan long term – but have no clue what astrological situation there will be on day x, when the planning is supposed to culminate into real action, things like this anachronistic warfare unfold.
The times that we are in right now are harmonious, not even a single degree position of any of the current planet position is bad enough to point out some out-of-control anger or aggression, so, clearly, this war started to brew during the year of the Metal (Air) – Ox 2021. Someone in Russia started to slowly boil up – and eventually was ready to release the anger when the miserable angry days where already over and better days had started! An anachronistic move, the risk humanity will always face when people take over important positions in society who do not have the instincts or intellectual knowledge for doing the right thing at the right time (or at least not doing the wrong thing at the wrong time!

Compare this to high performance athletes. They plan and prepare for day x (the Olympics for instance) for years – without any astrological knowledge of how the quality of time will be for them on said day x, nor what the impact of the global location the event will be held at will be on them.
The result can be like that example at the recently held winter Olympics in China. A highly successful alpine skier has diligently prepared for the event, has been named the favourite to win several gold medals – but went home with NOTHING. Most likely another case of wrong time, wrong place.

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